


Notice Board

Music that Explores & Celebrates the Mysteries of Life. O'Connell and Freeman. Music for retreats and workshops. Chris and Janice share a passion for peace and justice, care of nature and the sacrednes of life, care for the dying, and physical and spiritual well-being. CD available. "Would just love to play a few gigs in Ireland". O'Connell and Freeman, P.O. Box 3022, Shell Beach, CA 93448, USA. Phone +(916) 812-7680. E-mail:

Chants for Meditation and Celebration, Kristopher Lindquist. 2 CDs Round The Table of God, and Let Go, Let Be. Also in book form with original texts and music. Simple melodies, with short repeated texts, using inclusive, contemporary and ecumenically sensitive language. Contact: Kristopher Lindquist, Grace St Paul's Episcopal Church, 2331 E Adams St. Tucson AZ 85719, USA. +(520) 327-6857

Workshops in Natural Building

* Timber Frame Construction, Holiday w/e, May 4-5, 2002.

* Cob Building, Holiday w/e, June 2-7, 2002.

* Cob Building, July 8-12, 2002.

* Strawbale Insulation, August 10-11, 2002.

* Hemp and Lime, Walls and Floor Insulation, Sept. 7-8, 2002.

Workshops will be held in Lisvernane, The Glen of Aherlow, Co. Tipperary.

Contact: Fintan Brady, 13 Blackthorn Grove, Tipperary Town. Ph. 062-33029. Email:

An Tairseach, Dominican Organic Farm and Ecology Centre, Wicklow Town. Organic Vegetable Box Scheme and Farm Shop. Open Thurs 2-6 pm. Fri 9 am-6 pm. Tel.0404-61914; 0404-61833.

The Hollies Centre for Practical Sustainability

* Natural Building, April 20th and 27th, 2002.

* Constructed Wetlands, Design, Build, Plant, May 4th, 2002.

* Teaching Permaculture Creatively, June 8-10, 2002.

* Mallow Homes and Gardens Festival, June 20-23, 2002.

* An Introduction to Permaculture, July 13-14, 2002.

* Permaculture Design Course, August 2-14, 2002.

* Hands-on Natural Building Intensive, Sept. 7-9, 2002.

* The Woodland Way, Sept. 21-22, 2002.

* Growing Organic Gourmet Mushrooms, Oct. 12-13, 2002.

* The Healing Art of Conflict Resolution, Nov. 9-10, 2002.

Contact: The Hollies, Enniskeane, Co. Cork. Ph. 023-47981, email: the,

Conflict Counselling and Communication Training, contact Thomas Reidmuller at The Hollies, see above.

Comhlámh - Development Workers in Global Solidarity: Ireland. Working for a Just and Sustainable World since 1975. To become a member or subscribe to their magazine, contact: Comhlámh, Freepost, 10 Upper Camden St., Dublin 2. Tel. 01-4783490. Email:

Christian Meditation Centre

* Silent Retreat, Mt.St.Joseph's, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. April 12-14, 2002.

* Ballinskelligs Retreat, Presentation Convent, Ballinskellings, Co. Kerry. Single rooms available for booking in May and June. 32 euro per day, 158 euro per week.

Contact: Yvonne Fitzgerald, Christian Meditation Centre, 23 Hampton Crescent, St Helen's Wood, Booterstown Avenue, Co. Dublin. Tel. 01-2782699.

Copper Pipe Zen Centre, Dublin

* The Challenge of the Mystics, 10.30-4.30, March 24, 2002.

*Everything is perfect but you're standing on my foot, 10.30-4.30, May 26, 2002

* Spirituality and Psychotherapy, 10.30-4.30, June 16, 2002.

* Unfolding Eternity, 10.30-4.30, Sept. 29th, 2002.

* Wisdom of the Zen Masters, 10.30-4.30, Oct. 27, 2002.

* Zen and Listening, 10.30-4.30, Nov. 26, 2002.

* The Wisdom of Zen, 8 week course (ongoing) every Thursday evening, Dublin.

Contact: 01:8315919

Aisling Árann, Inis Mór, Aran Islands

Guided Pilgrimages / Tours to the Celtic spiritual sites of Inis Mór, Aran.

Priest / Facilitator for Weddings and other Spiritual Ceremonies. Contact: Dara Molloy, at, or through The AISLING Magazine.

Killeany Lodge Pilgrim Hostel is available for individuals and groups. 21 beds. Groups can choose to book the entire building for themselves. Contact:, or through The AISLING Magazine.

An Charraig A Spiritual Centre in the Celtic Tradition located in Mainistir, Inis Mór. Six beds available for guests. Celtic Eucharist most Sundays at 12 noon. Contact:, or through The AISLING Magazine.

Volunteer Opportunities: An Charraig hosts four volunteers all the year round. The positions cover Self-sufficient Living (3 places), Magazine Production (1 place). Ages 18-26. Places are normally for 6 months or 1 year. Funded by the EU European Volunteer Service (EVS). Contact:, or through The AISLING Magazine.

For further information:



