



Threat of Cloning Increases

A US biotechnology company, Advanced Cell Technology, has produced the first cloned human embryo, provoking criticism from President Bush and others. The embryo only grew to six cells for medical purposes, rather than creating babies.

The announcement provoked an international furor and led to a rise in the company's stock price, which was clearly the company's primary aim. The US House of Representatives has passed a bill banning cloning for any purposes and similar legislation is pending in the US Senate.

Human Genetics Alert Newsletter

The Nice Treaty, the WTO and the GATS Agreement.

The Nice Treaty proposes that the EU negotiate on our behalf with the WTO in the ongoing talks about the 'services' economy. These talks are part of the GATS (The General Agreement on Trade in Services), which the WTO wants to complete by the end of 2002. Many argue that GATS is likely to be used to achieve the whole or partial privatisation of vital public services. As things stand, Ireland, through our representative on the Council of Ministers, can veto any agreement between the EU and the WTO on services. If Nice is passed our vetoing power will be removed.

"The GATS is not just something that exists between Governments. It is first and foremost an instrument for the benefit of business" - European Commission website.

Ploughshares People in Prison on Our Behalf

After serving 12-month sentences for their Ploughshares action against depleted uranium, Philip Berrigan and Susan Crane received additional sentences of 12 months, with no good time, for violating parole from a previous action in Maine.

Steve Kelly, SJ, remains in solitary confinement in Hagerstown, MD for "refusing conscription in the drug war" by not complying with urinal tests that are not used to rehabilitate but solely to punish drug users in prison.

Cont. Jonah House, 1301 Moreland, Baltimore, MD 21216, USA

The Power of the Pen

An aide abruptly appeared with papers he held out to the governor. "It's the death warrants to sign, Governor. There are two executions scheduled for tonight." Absent-mindedly, the Governor took the offered pen. But in mid-signature he lifted his hand. He looked hard at his aide."They're not white are they?" The aide flashed a nervous smile.

"Governor", he asked, "would we do that to you?"

"It's not a woman either, is it? I'm not executing any more damn women. The last one - I was getting telegrams from as far away as Bolivia. What the damn Bolivians or anyone else in Europe know about law and order in Texas I can't imagine." The aide reassured him, "Both prisoners are male, Governor. One's black and one is Hispanic. Nothing out of the ordinary." Pacified, Bush nodded. "that's OK then," he said. In an instant the aide retrieved the signed warrants and was gone.

The exchange above was witnessed by a tour group at the governor's mansion and has been recounted by multiple sources, including Lucius Lomax of The Texas Observer.

Catholic Agitator, March 2001, vol.31/ no.2.

Questions on Debt for Irish election candidates

In spite of the huge support in Ireland (850,000 Irish signatures), the government has not taken a strong public stand calling for the debt to be cancelled. Although the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern recently suggested that he supported debt cancellation for countries with a high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS, the government is still supporting the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative which has failed to release countries from the debt burden. The Irish government has never challenged the legitimacy of the debt. They have never pressed the creditors to take responsibility for their role in the debt crisis. The Irish government continues to support IMF/WB programmes that have negative effects on the lives of people in indebted countries. (see

Debt and Development Coalition, Ireland, 2002. <

Networking the Non-Violent

Since September 11th, people of all ages have been taking to the streets with a common cause: to protest the bombing of Afghanistan and to call a halt to any further escalation of war. In Europe up to 400,000 people in Perugia and 100,000 in London participated in what peace activists have described as the most inclusive anti-war marches ever. Further common concerns include: the growth and legitimisation of the military-industrial complex, US militarisation of space and conflicts in Afghanistan, the Middle East and South Asia. Following a conference in Brussels in February 2002, a Network of the Non-Violent has been established. Contact Ken Coates at <>

Around Europe Newsletter, Quaker Council for European Affairs, Feb. 2002.

Western indifference towards Sudan verges on complicity

Two million people have died in Sudan since 1983, exceeding the combined deaths in Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya. Four and a half million more have been displaced. The atrocities perpetrated by the Sudanese government constitute the gravest human rights violations, yet there is complete inaction from the international community. Western oil multinationals continue to pour into Sudan to join the government in exploiting the oil. The current campaign of genocide against the civilian populations in the oil-producing areas in the south is directly related to oil exploitation. Oil exploration is prolonging the war, as it is providing the government with the 2 million dollars a day it spends in its attempts to achieve a military victory.

Comhlamh magazine, Focus on Ireland and the Wider World, Issue 62. <>
West Papua following in the footsteps of East Timor

Indonesia's rule in West Papua has been a sorry tale of cruelty, violence, dispossession, discrimination, and exploitation. In July 1998 the West Papuan Presidium was founded, and opted for independence through non-violent means. But the Indonesian army, which sees itself as the guarantor of national unity, viewed the Presidium's progress with alarm. On October 6th, 2000, police shot dead three Papuans at a Morning Star flag raising ceremony in Wamena. After Wamena, Presidium members were arrested including Theys Eluay, its leader, who was charged with threatening the unity of Indonesia. His body was later found in a ravine, while still awaiting trial. Jakarta has offered West Papua autonomy and a greater share of the revenue from natural resources, but West Papuans are clear they want full independence.

West Papua Action Newsletter


