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Inis Mór: Poems and Images of Árainn

A book of poetry and images of Inis Mór.

by Tess Harper-Molloy

Featuring 46 poems and 45 photos, it offers an intimate experience of Inis Mór, also called Árainn, the largest of the Aran Islands off Galway Bay in the West of Ireland. The author has lived on Inis Mór for almost forty years, and these poems and images span those years.

Some of the people in the book have passed on, some of the buildings have fallen down, but essentially the island remains the same, a place of wonder and beauty.

Inis Mór is a place no one forgets, once they have visited. It is a place that sustains every part of you, once you have chosen to stay.

This book, in poetry and image, offers you a taste of that life and that place.

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Reimagining The Divine

A Celtic Spirituality of Experience

by Dara Molloy

The globalised belief in one "God" has become a problem. The prayer "Our Father in heaven" presents an image that embodies the values of uniformity, exclusivity, patriarchy, authoritarianism and the absence of a sacred presence in nature.

The important values today include: diversity, inclusivity, gender justice, democracy and a recognition of the sacredness of nature.

Can we find new spiritual images and narratives that embody these values? This book suggests we can.

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Jung at Heart

Tools for Psychological Hygiene

by Tess Harper-Molloy

There are words that we use in commonplace language without knowing exactly what they mean. Words like introvert, extravert, complexes, archetypes, ego and projection. Introduced and developed by Carl Gustav Jung in his writings, these terms have become a part of our day-to-day vocabularies. However, what many fail to realise is that within these very words there lies a treasure trove of ideas: ideas which, once explored, have huge practical value in our ordinary lives.

Jung at Heart dives into this treasure trove.

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The Globalisation of God

Celtic Christianity's Nemesis

by Dara Molloy

In today's world, globalisation is a word that describes the ubiquitous spread of multinational corporations and their influence into every region and every country. Those who oppose globalisation today point to the damage it is doing to the natural environment, to cultural heritage and to biological diversity. They argue that it is neither transparent nor accountable, neither ecologically nor economically sustainable and that it puts profit before the democratic will of the people.

This book traces the roots of this globalisation process to a belief in one god who rules the universe.

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Legends in the Landscape

Pocket Guide to Arainn

by Dara Molloy

Legends in the Landscape gathers the myths, legends, folklore and history associated with Árainn - Inis Mór, Aran Islands.

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