ISSUE 32, February 2005

Ethical Globalisation - Radical Relocalisation



Social Analysis

Institutions and their Use of Power
Lelia Doolin, who famously resigned from RTE national broadcasting service many years ago, writes about how institutions become arrogant  and lose touch with their original 'raison d'être'.

by Lelia Doolin

Live Issues... Iraq
Weaving Basra: Poetry, Politics and Prayer 
Meghan Sayres uses her weaving as a meditative activity. Choosing to weave an image inspired by the 8th century poet Rabi'a Al-Adawiyya, who lived in ancient Mesopotamia, she realises that this poet came from Basra, a city now being bombed by American troops. Meghan's woven meditation leads her to conclude that her country's administration could learn a lot from the poet Rabi'a.

Meghan Sayres

Celtic Roots

Women and the Celts
Paul Lonigan compares the situation and rights of Celtic women to those of other cultures in early medieval times.

Dr. Paul R. Lonigan

Inner World

Islam As A Religion
A good fruit of  9/11 has been the desire of many people to understand more the faith of Muslims. In this short article, the differences between Islam and Christianity are described.

by Cristianisme i Justícia


Portrait of a Friendship
Wolfgang Somary, a Swiss banker and poet, was a close friend of Ivan Illich. This article paints a poetic picture of their relationship and fills in some of the background to Illich's intellectual life.

by Wolfgang Somary

Radical Relocalisation
If the principles of fair trade were to be applied to the global economy, we would see that economy slowly dismantled and replaced by localised trade.

by Zac Goldsmith


The Water of Life
Water has become the latest casualty of consumerism and overpopulation. Sean McDonagh gives us the statistics and shows how, inevitably, it is the poorest who end up being without. On present trends, two-thirds of the world will not have enough clean water in thirty years time.

by Sean McDonagh SSC


Ethical Globalisation in Our Times
Having finished her term as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson explains what she and her new organisation, The Ethical Globalisation Initiative, are now trying to do.
by Mary Robinson

Church and... Economics

Biblical Perspectives on Empire
Ulrich Duchrow, a German based Lutheran theologian, uses biblical models of reform to propose an end to the domination of the needs of capital over the needs of ordinary people.

by Ulrich Duchrow


Death Wine
by Mario Petrucci

One Small Voice
by Kathy Budreski
sent to us by Alastair McIntosh

Education Forum

Your Education System
Following an invitation from the Minister for Education, Dara Molloy sends him some proposals for reform of the Irish Education System. Central to his suggestions are parental and student control over the curriculum and over the appointment of teachers, and an examination system that is designed to objectively measure achievement in any area of a student's choice.

by Dara Molloy

As Gaeilge

Gaelscrínte san Eoraip
We begin here the republishing of Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich's book on the work of Celtic monks across Europe from the 6th century onwards. In this introduction and first chapter, Tomás explains why these communities of monks left Ireland and recounts the story of Columbanus.

by Tomás Ó Fiaich

Live Issues... Church
Confessions of a Lapsed Catholic
The scandals inside the Catholic Church have tested the faith of many people. Kathy Budreski gives a personal account of her difficulties in the Boston diocese, where Cardinal Law had to step down.

Kathy Budreski

Archeology of Ideas
On the Ecological Consequences of Alphabetic Literacy
History has seen many transformations in the way we experience the world with our senses. Not least in these transformations has been the development of reading and writing. Environmental philosophers have all but ignored the sensory impact of that powerful early technology: the alphabet.

by David Abram

Spiritual Living

The Spirituality of Globalization and the Spirit of Resistance
The great German feminist and theologian speaks out against a globalization that reduces us all to one-dimensional beings — the homo oeconomicus. In this unitary world of production and consumption the nation-state is weakened and the 'social and ecological webs' which hold us all together are dismantled.

by Dorothee Solle


Holy Cash
A deal between Microsoft and the Vatican sees these two giant corporations combine to bring Catholicism to 'the four corners of the Earth' and a computer 'on every desktop and in every home'.

sent to us by Damian McShane


Letters to the Editor

IAN CORBETT, an Anglican priest, on the native American peoples.
TED GIFFORD, a U.S. surgeon, on his time in Aran.
GILLIES MACBAIN, an Irish organic farmer, on the possibility of an elitist conspiracy in global finance.
NADIA JOHANISOVA, a Czech reader, disappointed that the printed version of AISLING is gone.

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