Featured Artist

Naomi Peppard

I'm a full-time professional artist working from Dublin for the last two years where I'm originally from. I have also spent a good many years moving around. I've travelled the west-coast of Ireland, lived in Westport and Sligo, travelled Europe, Morocco and the Far East. I've always been inspired and fascinated with foreign lands and cultures but I equally love the West of Ireland, where I do a lot of painting from. I mainly work in watercolours, but occasionally oils too. I have been painting all my life but after leaving school I took it more seriously. Cartoons and graphics also come into my work which I enjoy doing.

Featured Poet

Sue Barnes

Sue Barnes

Sue Barnes first sent us poetry in 1993. We did not publish it. She then sent us more in 1995. Three years later, we have now pulled it from the file and are publishing a selection.
Unfortunately, Sue is no longer contactable at the address or phone number at Inniscarra, Cork given to us all those years ago. We have not been able to tell her that at last she has been chosen as our 'Feature Poet'. Somebody - please tell her!
Here is what she wrote in her last letter to us:

Rejection is cracking me up
It hits me too close to the heart
I need someone big to look at my work
And tell me "It's state of the art!"

Sue, we are not 'somone big' - but at least please no longer feel rejected!
