

Bulges and lumps

Bulges and lumps and hideous bumps
I've tried to deceive but now can't believe
That everything's shrunk in my wardrobe
My rose coloured glass hid the size of my arse
I'm popping my buttons and straining my bras
Yet all I could notice while this fat took its hold
Was how big hearty dinners kept out the cold
How evil I am to eat when I'm hungry
How evil I am to eat!

Sue Barnes

The Typist

Further to my letter
You don't ring me
Dated third of May last
Why don't we date?
I wish to confirm
Where do I stand?
I do not intend
What do you want?
To continue in
Should we go on?
This partnership
Is it over?
Yours sincerely
Is it goodbye?
My love

Sue Barnes

Career Mum

Would Joan of Arc be a post office clerk
In nineteen ninety four?
And Lady Godiver, if we could revive her
Would she mop the kitchen floor?
These heros of history make survival a mystery
Such women we shouldn't ignore.

So well in my thirties with hand cream and nappies
I went down on my knees, (despite the dog's fleas)
For a Wonderbra and my very own car
And a job that would take me far.

Now I'm totally weary, yet it seemed fine in theory
To split myself in two as you do!
But I feel like a martyr, this larks' a nonstarter
Yes I blame Badacea and Germaine Greer
For this deep rooted need to have a career!

Sue Barnes


The lady-like wife
That unwritten law
Of domestic life

I want to dust in the nude
And cook wearing leather
I want to be very crude
With one pink feather

I want to pant down the 'phone
As you smile at your boss
I want to scream loud and moan
Bite, scratch, claw and toss

I want to know there's still passion
For this lady-like wife
Not contentment but hot fire
In this domestic life

I love you my darling
Much more than the cat
Climb up on the wardrobe
We haven't tried that!

Sue Barnes

Womb News

Menopause Mary was very hairy
Pamela Pill was ill
P.M.T. Judy was extremely moody
Sharon and Karen were barren

Primitive pills and crappy potions
And evil smelling vaginal lotions
Researched by men
Absorbed by women
As long as it's good for sperm to swim in
There's something wrong
With the womb at large
The wrong bloody people
Are in charge

Sue Barnes

The Spirit of the Forest

I am one spirit of all the trees
I have whispered your name
Down the leaves, down the leaves,
And my voice is not hushed
In the song of a bird,
Only those who believe,
Only those who have heard.

And I'm in the bluebells, and they are in me,
In the bark and branches
The sap and the seed,
And I am in you, and you are in me,
Only those who believe,
Only those who can see,

And I'm in the woodbine,
The rose and the thorn,
In the wind and the sun,
In the blizzard and storm,
I am the silence, I am the green,
Come, come and hear
Your name on the breeze.

Breege Duffy
