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The Aisling Magazine 17
The Religous Wounding of Women, by Patricia Reilly
Soul Friendship, by Edward Sellner
Health, by Ivan Illich
Irish in America, before Columbus, by Ida Jane Gallagher and Barry Fell
The Family Dog, by Kate Thompson
POLAND - Delivering Itself Up To False Gods, by Lee Hoinacki
The People of the Great River, by Michael Tremmel and the River Tonga People
Finding My Space, by Guadalupe Rosales
Hanging to the Cliff Edge, by Charles Gray
Pilgrimage to the Moon, by Gillies Macbain
Beyond Recycling: Current Priorities, by Tim Cooper
Fortress Europe, by Tony Bunyan
Suspending Our Beliefs, by Mathi Zachariah
Ocean Wave Energy, by Brian Ó Gallachóir
The Aisling Magazine 19
What's in Your Food?, by David King
Theology Rocks Superquarry Project, by Alastair McIntosh
10 Taxes for a Better World, by Alexander M. Gillies
Early Celtic Soul Friendship, by Ed Sellner
The Nuts and Bolts of Living on Less, by Charles Gray
Death Undefeated, by Ivan Illich
Irish Families in America, by Monica McGoldrick
The Cult of Efficiency, by David Stein
Stages in Psychological Growth, by Cully Ó Muirí
Toibreacha Beannaithe, le Pádraig Ó Ceallaigh
Bishop Samuel Ruiz and the Zapatistas, by David Batstone
If I Had a Hammer, by Chris Sorochin
Crisis - Danger or Opportunity?, by Benny McCabe
Longer Lasting Products, by Tim Cooper
International Trading Relationships - a new form of colonialism, by Carol Dorgan
The Aisling Magazine 21
Birthing the Conscious Feminine, by Tess Harper
In the Footsteps of Columba, by President Mary Robinson
Meaningful Work - CORI, edited by Alison Peacock
Irish Families - Part Two, by Monica McGoldrick
Genetic Engineering through the Smokescreen, by Dr. Tim O'Brien
EU Phone-Tapping Extension, by Dara Molloy
Wear Fair, by the Labour Behind the Label Campaign
The Crimean Tatars, by Renart Saranayer
A Theology that Comes from the Flesh, by Leslie Wirpsa
Encouraging Self-Healing, by Charles Gray
"Daughter, I AM proud...", by Lora
Ár bPaidreacha Féin, by Diarmuid Ó Laoghaire, S.J.
The Mind of the Bee, by Gillies Macbain
Longer Life Better Than Reincarnation, by Tim Cooper
TV as Technically Mediated Alienation, by Mario Petrucci
Beyond the Split, by Geraldine Mills
No Sustainability Without Development, by Wolfgang Sachs
The Other Europe, by European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland
The Aisling Magazine 22
Aphrodite's Daughters, by Jalaja Bonheim
Basic Income, by CORI
Land of Found Friends, conversation with Ivan Illich, Jerry Brown, and Carl Mitcham
Rehabilitating Our Criminals, by Brendan Walsh
I Met with the Bomb, by Chris SorochinBargaining for the Rest of Nature, by Wolfgang Sachs
Oops Apocalypse!, by David Gibson
Landmines - Global Pollution, by Caroline Lynch
Colm Cille 597 - 1997, by Pádraig Ó Fiannachta
Heavenly Fire: Celtic Spirituality and Intimations of the Future, by Ed Sellner
Hunger, Debt and Structural Adjustment, by the Debt and Development Coalition
Slowing down to Enjoy Life, by Charles Gray
Giddy on Bibles, from John Vaillant
Resisting the False Self, by Jeff Dietrich
Dream Day, by Donagh Healy
The Aisling Magazine 23
Art As A Weapon of Protest, by Jay Griffiths
Tribal Totems and Clan Trees, by Michael Newton
The Great Cathedral Caper, by Jeff Dietrich
Shut Up and Listen, by John Papworth
Enter the Labyrinth, by Cathy Madison
Feile na Bealtaine, by Pádraig Ó Fianachta
McTheories and McFallacies, by Niaz Alam
Something for Nothing, by Charles Gray
O'Gorman's Grocery Store, by Paul O'Brien
Success Story in Brazil, by Stephen Schwartzman
Old Heresies Never Die, by Bennett Simms
Theological Reflections on Transport Policy, by John Rogerson
Multilateral Agreement on Investment, by Dara Molloy
Wind Energy, by Crispin Aubrey
A Dream, by John Seymour
Jubilee 2000, by Ann Pettifor
Deep Ecology and the Last Wolf, by Alastair McIntosh
The Aisling Magazine 24
The Five Invasions of Ireland, by Steve Blamires
Conversation, by Majid / Ivan Rahnema / Illich
Homelessness, by Peter Marin
The Eros of Everyday Life, by Susas Griffin
The Masculisation of Agriculture, by Vandana Shiva
Sustainable Territories, by Richard Douthwaite
Cúirt an Mheán Oíche, by Brian Merriman
The Double Archetype, by Ed Sellner
Why Not a Car-Free City?, by Francois Lyon
The Car Debate, by Mark Doris
Christianity - Time to Rethink, by Rev. Donald Reeves
Shelter Strategies, by Charles Gray
The Luddites, by Kirkpatrick Sale
Degrees of Theology, by Brian Terrell
Migrants and Refugees, by Nonoi Hacbang
The Aisling Magazine 25
Spirituality and Sustainability, by Dara Molloy
Why Protest Against The Euro, by Anthony Coughlan
Say ‘Yes’ to Same-Sex Unions, by Bishop Bennett Sims
Jubilee - The Biblical Vision, by Ross Kinsler
Saint Mac Dara’s Island, by R.A.S. Macalister
Wexford’s Great French Waste Burner Stitch-Up, by William Sutherland
Only the Poets can Save us Now, by Richard Adrian Reese
This Habit of Mine, by Toni Flynn
The Secret Language of the Wild, by Jim Nollman
How Poems Happen, by Barbara Kingsolver
Human Cloning -Without Our Consent, by David King
Awakening to the Goddess, by Marguerite Rogoglioso
Planetary Hospitality, by Veronica Green
Repaying our Debt to the Poor, by Charles Gray
Global Pop -The Sound of Money, by Richard Barnett & John Cavanagh
Cúirt an Mheán Oíche, by Brian Merriman
The Aisling Magazine 26
The Y1K Crisis, by Alastair McIntosh
Neo-liberalism, by Susan George
The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition, by Peter Vallance
Wrestling and Reconciling, by Jelf Dietrich
Fluoridation - The Facts, by VOICE
European Kairos Document, by Kairos
Printing your own money, by David Boyle
Feasta, by Peter Dorman
Violence and the Sacred, by Gil Bailie
Only Poets Can Save us Now, by Richard Reese
Crosses and Tomahawks, by Geraldine Mills
Wood as Fuel, by Irish Energy Centre
No Amnesty for Children, by Amnesty International
Cúirt an Mhean-Oíche, by Brian Merriman
The Aisling Magazine 27
The Future Church: A Speculative Dream, by John Spong
Corporate Predators, by Russell Mokhiber Robert Weissman
Justice at Greenock, by Alan Wilkie
Good Growth and Bad Growth, by Richard Douthwaite
Imagination, by Laura Swall
Persistent Pollution, by Carol Dansereau
The Mystery of Sin, by Gil Bailie
Seattle from the Inside, by Paul Hawken
How can we buy the air?, by Chief Seattle
Drifting Towards A Homogenised Future, by Michael D. Higgins
Humour, by Damian McShane
Druids in History, by Maria Palmer
Farmers' Markets, by Alison Peacock
Real Change or New Image?, by Coalition Briefing
Cúirt an Mhean-Oíche, by Brian Merriman
The Aisling Magazine 28
Overwhelmed by the World, by Maggie Oman Shannon
Growing without Education, by Aaron Falbel
Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, by Gillies Macbain
The Millennium Crone, by Brid Murphy
Romantic Ireland is Dead and Gone, by Declan Kiberd
Child not Mine, by Brenda Miller
The Future Church: A speculative dream, by John Shelby Spong
Sustainable Architecture and Culture, by Matthew Fooks and David Sydes
My Search for a Deeper Spirituality, by Tony Shields
Philosophy... Artifacts... Friendship, by Ivan Illich
Environmental Update: Damage Report, by Donella H. Meadows
Towards a Just International Financial System, by Kairos Europa
Cúirt an Mheán-Oíche, by Brian Merriman
The Aisling Magazine 30
Leadership to Change the world, by Bennett J. Sims
Thoughts in the Presence of Fear, by Wendell Berry
The Great God Pan is Alive, by John Hanson Mitchell
The Early Christian Church as an Ecclesian Entity, by Ed Sellner
Star Wars, by Jeff Dietrich
Deciding When to Die, by Averil Stedeford
The Tobin Tax on International Finance, by John Dillon
Prey to a Crocodile, by Val Plumwood
Spiritual Regeneration, by Craig Russell
Resistance to Globalization, East and Central European Christian Churches
The Story of Befana, retold by Aine Maire Chadwick
No to Militarization of Europe, AFRI-Action from Ireland
Cuirt an Mhean-Oiche, by Brian Merriman
The Aisling Magazine 31
Another World is Possible, by Susan George
Courage Sister, you do not walk alone
Returning to our Senses, by David Abram
Connecting Thread, by Maura Freeman
The Afghan Death-Toll, by The Guardian
Ivan Illich 1926-2002, by Dara Molloy
The Story of Oisin and Tir na Nog, by Michael Roberts
The Worldwide Citizen's Movement, by Gustave Massiah
Night Eyes, by Marc Ian Barasch
Sheela-Na-Gigs, by Jack Roberts and Joanna McMahon
Communities of Place, by Alastair MacIntosh
Columbia in the News, by Marcel Idels
How to be a Good Wife, Housekeeping Monthly
Cuirt an Mhean-Oiche, by Brian Merriman
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