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by Chuck Kruger

Hermes Drops by for a Cuppa

God of twilight, God of wind,

please help me on my way,

at the next cross, down this hill,

don't let the brakes fail now,

the church up top, the graveyard way below,

Oh You who makes the sky go clear,

Take care of us on Cléire.

No, please, don't fuddle me hey

You've shifted out of low

& into landscape,

Hermes become the patchwork pastures of this isle

in morning light, the shimmer, the shrinking shadows of walls,

Oh You who makes the sky go clear,

Take care of us on Cléire.

Yes, Sir, Yes,

I confess

that in the midst of the slurry

I could smell my own fart

but You, great Chuckler, You within the midst of what I see,

You the very topography,

the swallow swooping inches above the lane,

the sea spraying headlands, sending scud

onto sea pinks, rag wort & broccoli alike,

You the Neolithic knoll, You the mouth to the cave of seals,

everywhere I look, You,

God of games of chance,

Oh You who makes the sky go clear,

Take care of us on Cléire.

Sit down, Sir, do, have a cuppa

tea, a scone, some homemade blackberry jam,

before You blow the curtains

by the sick bed, ease pain, the going,

the final farmer fisherman housewife sweat,

the lung collapse, that one last blast

of breath, please,

Oh You who makes the sky go clear,

Take care of us on Cléire.

Fastnet Conversion

Out fishing past the Fastnet

I glanced to starboard where,

below the cumulonimbus

and framed between

the Lighthouse and me,

sailed such sudden

purity of yacht

seascape turned into painting,

me into peace,

and a Galway hooker

into a red-sailed hint

of the worth of being on board.

Sister Skellig

Now I know sort of why

the monks did it,

hunkering down on that God-unforsaken outpost

of an Atlantic isle.

They didn't simply keep

turning the other cheek


In howling wind

I hear them sing,

we're all we've got

so on we go.

Now a beehive hut in a butterfly world

perched on the edge

of heritage

tells blow-in me not mainly of hardship

but of a wildly simplifying place, gull eggs,

pollock feathered from jagged ledge,

warmth the others in the hut,

a day-time look-out & boulders ready

heavens above the single narrow path.

In howling wind

I hear them sing,

we're all we've got

so on we go.

Here on Cape, here on this sister isle,

in a practically unrelated time,

this is the way

it should be:

Force 12 & the roof poised & so what,

mail delivered straight

to the living room table when we're not home,

keys left in car, a sea pink

swaying in a child's eagle eye,

intimacy with rambunctious Mother Nature

as existential as full flame

under fish-filled frying pan.

When I need help, or a neighbour mine,

that's it, off we go,

straight as the evening flight of a hooded crow.

In howling wind

I hear them sing,

we're all we've got

so on we go.

Island Stone

Once in close shooting lobster pots

he spied a seam of stone straight as a plumb


straight as the gables of the houses

that he builds. He told me where so I

drove the tractor down to the sea,

to Tradoonclayreh,

& found the rock: orange, red, gray, a hard

true sandstone falling north.

With the five-foot bar

we quarried stone, eight tons of

sharp edged warm face

that stays where it's put

on wet dark beds of cement.

We built a house with stone

we had badgered out of stone at the edge

of the sea.

He taught me not walls but foundations.

Little Limpet Says

A scientist friend

assures me when

hurricane waves

hit shore,

they've the savage effects

of a wind of 900 miles

per hour.

You little limpets,

you mussels

and mermaid's hair,

how do you hang in there

when the Druid's oak

would vanish like smoke

and I would die

with the scare?

What, little limpet?

Wisdom's hidden

in waves?

To hunker down's

to withstand,

to stand up's

to be crowbait, you say?

Little limpet, please cling

to the shore

of my heart

when the next hurricane hits.


At the foot of the lane

a white arrow aims

up to an island farm.

Beneath the shaft hangs

a sign that proclaims

in swirls of red alarm:


Beneath it,

in very fine print,

comes the critical bite:

"Proceed at your own delight".

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