Bookshelf | ||||||
Where Three Streams Meet: Celtic Spirituality by Seán Ó Duinn OSB. Columba Press, Dublin. 2000. Pb. IR£12.99. 336 pp. ISBN 1 85607 288 6. Seán Ó Duinn, a monk of Glenstal Abbey in Limerick, is passionate about his subject and brings his vast scholarship to bear on it. Totally at home not just with the modern Irish language but also with Old Irish and Latin, he delves into the ancient manuscripts to produce new material and new insights. The three streams mentioned in the title are: the megalithic, the Celtic and the Christian. He shows how these three streams have each contributed to what we now call Celtic Spirituality. Scholarly, readable and entertaining. |
Eurotopia; Directory of Intentional Communities and Ecovillages in Europe, edited by Silke Hagmaier and others. Silke Hagmaier Verlag, Ökodorf Sieben Linden, Germany, 2000. Pb. 414 pp. EUR 19.50. ISBN 3-00-007080-X., order at In Eurotopia, communities report about their experiments and experiences - about living visions in Europe. The book contains 336 addresses of intentional communities and ecovillages in 23 European countries, including detailed information and discriptions. Moreover the reader will find articles on communal living, useful addresses and maps. |
Conamara Blues, A Collection of Poetry, by John O Donohue. Doubleday, 2000. Hb IR£12.99. 96 pages. ISBN 0385 601514. John O Donohue, author of bestselling Anam Cara, takes inspiration from the landscape around his own home. His poetry touches on the vital energy and rhythm of Conamara, engaging with earth, sky and sea, and the majestic mountains that preside over this terse landscape. As he explores the silent memory of this place, he tenderly reveals the fragile vulnerability of love and friendship. |
The Ecology of Money, Schumacher Briefing No. 4, by Richard Douthwaite. Green Books Ltd, UK, 1999. Pb. 78 pages.St£5.00. ISBN 1-870098-81-1. Available in Ireland from FEASTA, 159 Lr Rathmines Rd, Dublin 6. In this briefing, Richard Douthwaite argues that money has different effects according to its origin and purposes. He explains existing money systems using a terminology that lay people can understand, and he presents some ideas of new money systems designed to help us with some of our biggest challenges of today. The briefing shows that it will be impossible to build a just and sustainable world unless and until money creation is democratized. |
Tales of Awe and Wonder: Our medieval heritage, by Johanna O'Mahoney Walters. Veritas Publications, Dublin, 2000. Pb. 63 pages. ISBN 1-85390-469-4. This is a children's book about medieval saints and mystics. Johanna Walters tells the story about people who followed their own particular star and became the people they were created to become. All had a direct experience of God in some way. Experiential activities accompany each story, in order to give children a sense of the mystery and develop their natural sense of awe and wonder. |
Celtic Sacred Landscapes, by Nigel Pennick. Thames and Hudson, Great Britain, 1996. Hb 224 pages. ISBN 0-500-01666-6. Pennick takes the reader on a spiritual amd historical tour of the Celtic holy places in Europe. He delves into the mystery and lore behind the power of sacred trees and stones; springs and wells as places for healing; holy mountains as centres of geomythical energies; sacred caves; holy islands; sanctified earthworks and cities; paths and trackways; places for demons and supernatural beings; the visible instances of the divine in hidden temples; and the holy places of the Celtic saints. |