Apple Blossom Time I saw a blind man in the park his face immobile and pitied him that he could not see the apple blossom sashay lift crimson skirts before a hedonistic breeze. I closed my eyes, imagined the loss of a jungle sky, the pleasure of fingerprints smudged on misty glass or my reflection triptyched above a dressing table. But as I sat with sockets clenched I heard windsong, birdswoop, smelled the fragrant air and pity turned to shame for when all the apple blossoms lie frescoed on the ground the blind man knows he too will only flower for a season. Eileen Casey |
Photographer In perfect settings only, you captured expression, lens forever focused on what aroused your interest. Always it seemed, I was posed for best effect, like the dress worn one Summer afternoon, crimson splashed against a white-washed wall but it was I who stored discarded negatives, each one dimming the proof of your keen perception. Then I too paled with constant exposure in a dark room and when your cold camera tried to catch me, unaware, I moved away Leaving the blur as final memory. Eileen Casey |
Cyclops There are days when mezzanined Within a broader spectrum, Among the pots, pans, yesterday's newspaper I am a trajectory for others. The hours pass like rosary decades But there is no mystery, no joyful resurrection In the slow dying And when I hear the grasses whisper Touch the thorny rose There is always a clarion to call me back... Call me back... Yet, there are moments, snatched As hungrily as Job's precious crumbs When I project my inner eye And breathe again In my own space. Eileen Casey |
Asylum You were hiding in the shadows when I came, bowed shoulders drooping with inward misery, glazed eyes struggling with recognition, united with other faceless forms by the drab cordless dressing-gown, uniform of insanity. Sun poured in then but found nothing metallic to glint its splendour. You threw back your head neighing cigarette smoke and I saw the red mark on your neck. I asked for a drink but you shrugged, lifting your arms helplessly showing scarred wrists the stigmata of your affliction. Eileen Casey |
Gameparks In our concrete jungles restless herds Quench a savage thirst on old ladies Blood, chameleons stalk twittering birds On their way home from discos While red bricked cages sprout Prolific as the dandelion. But despite safaris from our planners Children still graffiti walls with Desperate maturity, and open spaces Are shooting galleries for poison Arrowheads slung From poisoned hearts. Eileen Casey |
Bag Lady On warm summer evenings bag lady Sadie sits enthroned on her bundle of rags, queen among the winos a woman in onioned layers, twice as pungent. The past, once daisychained in memory is now broken by red biddy's savage grip, yanking apart her yesterday's and tomorrows. There is no room for them in her recycled existence. We pick daintily over her in shop doorways as if avoiding a landmine, rollerblinding our eyes and gagging on the stench. Bag lady Sadie bears no resemblance to us. On cold winter mornings when fiery chilblains scald like flame, she pisses on her feet anointing a cooling balm like Mary Magdalene's tears. Eileen Casey |
The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. It doesn't interest me how old you are It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true, I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours or mine, It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. It doesn't interest me who you are, or how you came to be here - It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. May 1994 |
I would pick more daisies Nadine Stair, aged 85 |