
Lord make me an instrument of the war against evil, Where there is vandalism against Thy creation, Let me campaign to stop it, Where there is sabotage of Thy genetic ordainings Let me fight like hell to prevent it.

Where there is conspitacy to dominate Thy world with boardroom greed Let me join with others to wage an unremitting struggle to oppose it. Where giant political forces combine with money makers and pocket liners to assume control of community concerns, such as education, health, commerce, banks, law and order and work, Let me be quick to affirm the overriding need for such matters to be restored to local community life so that Thy moral laws may prevail.

Where there is passivity, deference and conformism to the powers of darkness which are degrading society and its individual members, let me be a powerful witness to oppose them.

Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to live a quiet life as to be in the vanguard of those who would enhance life, not so much to grab as to give, not to evade my social obligations as to shoulder them, not to be afraid of power as to be imbued with courage with others to control it for worthy ends.

For it is in striving to act with love that we affirm love, and in devoting ourselves to noble causes we are redeemed, and in giving ourselves utterly to the service of truth, love, and beauty in shared, fully democratic communities we rise to the life immortal.

John of Maida Vale

Our thanks to Fourth World Review for this prayer.
