

Celtic Threads: Exploring the Wisdom of Our Heritage, edited by Padraigín Clancy.
Veritas Publications, Dublin 1. 1999. 221 pages. Pb. ISBN 1 85390 499 6. A collection of essays on Celtic spirituality. Padraigín Clancy has succeeded in gathering practically all of the main practitioners and teachers of Celtic spirituality in Ireland into one book. As such, the book is a snapshot of Celtic spiritual awareness in Ireland at the turn of the millennium. The book includes articles by Sean O Duinn (Glenstal monk), John Moriarty (philosopher/storyteller), Nuala Ahern (Green Party MEP), Mary Condren (feminist theologian), Kate Fitzpatrick (Jungian dramatherapist), and Dara Molloy (Celtic priest).
Earth Medicine: Ancestors' Ways of Harmony for Many Moons, by Jamie Sams. Harper San Francisco, 1994. 385 pages. Pb. US$15.00. ISBN 0-06-251063-0. Around the year with one of today's most beloved Native American teachers. The true spirit of Native American ways of knowing shines through in these heartfelt meditations, poems, and stories. In 364 daily offerings organized according to the cycles of the moon, Jamie Sams offers stirring and poetic insights into the spirituality of the earth, connecting with our communities, and our own soul journeys.
The Crane Bag: Ogham Oils and Essences, by Róisín Carroll. Published in 1997 by Irish Ogham Publications, The Ogham Apothecary, Carlingford, Co. Louth, Ireland. 224 pages. Pb. IR£8.50. ISBN 0-953 1863-0-X. Trees in Ireland have traditionally been associated with many and various divine energies. The Celtic Ogham alphabet (symbols which were carved in stone) gave expression to some of these traditions. Róisín Carroll shows the link between the sacred ogham and the medicine of the trees, relating her perceptions of these interactions with our physical bodies. Readers will learn how trees can help to bring healing.
Say To This Mountain: Mark's Story of Discipleship, by Ched Meyers, Marie Dennis, Joseph Nangle OFM, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda and Stuart Taylor. Orbis Books, New York, 1996. 240 pages. Pb. ISBN 1-57075-100-5. In 'Say to this Mountain' Myers is joined by a team of authors, Catholic and Protestant, committed to the work of justice and peace, the renewal of the church, and to Christian discipleship. With Myers they share in the conviction that Mark's story has transforming power only as it intersects with our own life-stories and the broader story of the times in which we live. This is a popular, more accessible, version of Myer's bestselling work 'Binding the Strong Man'.
Sustainable Ireland Source Book 2000: Ireland's Social, Environmental and Holistic Directory, A Guide for Green, Ethical and Healthy Living. Edited by Caoimhín Woods and Davie Philip. United Spirits Publications, Dublin, 1999. 256 pages. Pb. IR£5.99. ISBN 0-9537445-0-7. With over 1,000 listings of natural, ethical and sustainable products and services, as well as solution-based articles from visionary thinkers like Darina Allen, Richard Douthwaite, John Seymour and George Monbiot, the Source Book directory is the definitive guide for everyone who desires a healthier, more fulfilling and environmentally-friendly life.
A Pilgrim's Handbook, by the Dublin Diocesan Jubilee Committee. Columba Press, 1999. Pb. IR£4.99. 171 pages. ISBN 1-85607-277-0. Published for Jubilee Year, this guidebook offers practical suggestions for organising and going on a pilgrimage. Throughout the Jubilee Year, pilgrimages will be organised locally, nationally and internationally. In recognition of this, the authors have included a chapter on guidelines for celebrating our local Christian heritage, as well as information on the major pilgrimage sites in Ireland and in Europe, and information on pilgrimage in other faiths. There is a major section on pilgrimage in the archdiocese of Dublin.
