
Legends In The Landscape: A Pocket Guide to Arainn (Inis Mór, Aran Islands) by Dara Ó Maoildhia.Available from Aisling Arann, Inis Mór, Aran Islands, Co. Galway. IR£5.00.1998. 96pp. ISBN 0-95347-920-X.
This book gathers the myths, legends, folklore and history associated with Arainn - Inis Mór, Aran Islands. It is divided into ten short chapters, allowing you to be fully informed as you visit each area in turn.Árainn, the home of Mananan, the god of the sea, invites you to enter into its Otherworld mysteries and to experience its monastic treasury. This book can act as your guide.
Playing it for Laughs, A Book of doggerel, by John Seymour available from Metanoia Press, Killowen, New Ross, Co. Wexford. IR£9.00. 1999. 84pp. ISBN 0-9518381-1-3.
"When you combine being half deaf with half blind you become a source of immense merriment to your friends but also nobody takes you very seriously any more. The remedy for this is to stop taking yourself seriously either. Play it for laughs, then you can join in the fun. So turn to doggerel my friend! At least it will keep you out of the mad-house". Collected poems " not to be read by anyone under the age of 84!"
Time-Out In Shekina: The Value of Symbols in our Search for Meaning by Catherine McCann. Available from Eleona Books, 42 Donnybrook Manor, Dublin 4. Hb. IR£12.00. 1998. 159pp.ISBN 0-9531302-2-3.
The quest for satisfying levels of meaning in the ups and downs of human living is ongoing for everyone. In this book Catherine McCann explores this quest through the symbolic use of the sculptures in her beautiful garden in County Wicklow. She leads through the visual to unpack depths of the meaning of what it is to be a human person. Her central concern is about Who I Am and she approaches this topic by reflecting on our personal existence, history, key relationships, sexuality and the intertwining of our human story with the Mystery of God.
Earth Spirituality: Jesus at the Centre by Edward P. Echlin.Arthur James imprint, available from John Hunt Publishing., 46a West Street, New Alresford, Hants SO24 9AU , U.K.St£5.99. 1999. 181pp.ISBN 1-85608-445-0.
In his book, Edward Echlin offers a unique synthesis of ecology and theology. He sees spirituality in the whole of life, and the earth at the centre of spirituality. He relates the teachings of Jesus in the Bible to the ecological challenges of today - from the starting point of his own childhood experience in the Great Lakes of North America, through years with the Jesuits, to his present life as theologian and organic gardener. Earth Spirituality explains how this philosophy is relevant in work and worship, in local and national public life, and in the service of both the family and the wider community. It is a springboard for the new millennium, complete with suggestions for prayer, for action, for further reading and for group discussion.
Changing Fathers? by Kieran McKeown, Harry Ferguson and Dermot Rooney
available from The Collins Press, West Link Park, Doughcloyne, Wilton, Cork. 256pp.ISBN 1-898256-55-1.
Fatherhood in the late twentieth century is an emotional minefield into which modern men stumble, grappling with a riot of confusing feelings and uncertain responses. Contemporary images of fatherhood are neither positive nor encouraging. Today's dad is likely to be portrayed as foolish and antiquated when he is not being abusive and feckless. The book sets out a new agenda for men, fatherhood and family life for the new millennium and is essential reading for professional and lay people alike.

Guenevere: The Queen of the Summer County by Rosalind Miles. Available through Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, Africa House, 64-78 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AH, U.K. Pb. IR£:9.99. 1999. 500pp. ISBN 0-684-85134-2.
Across the many kingdoms and islands of ancient Britain, Arthur begins his quest to become High King. Guenevere will soon take the throne in the Summer County, following the sudden and tragic death of her mother. From the swirling mists of Avalon, she will survey the heroic exploits of the new High King.
