
Wake Up Laughing, by Pat Schneider. Negative Capability Press, 1997. 197pp.ISBN 0-94544-53-6.
"I think this book is terrific...very compelling skeptical, generous, funny, straight-talking, wry not a drop of grandstanding or fakery. And the prose is wonderfully exact and full of surprises" Paul Jenkins, ed. The Massachusetts Review. "This book is a superbly sensitive description of a courageous woman's journey to discover herself through the unravelling of the mysteries of her ancestors.Pat Schneider writes vividly and poignantly of the pain of her beginnings, and joyously celebrates the awakening of laughter at the conclusion of a pilgrimage which returned to her the experience of holiness she knew as a child.I recommend this story as a directive compass for those who go in search of their own holy beginnings. I was inspired to do so myself." Edith Sullwold, Ph.D. Teacher at the Jung Institutes in the US, Europe and Africa.

Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda Versus Freedom and Liberty, by Alex Carey. History of Communication Series; introduction by Noam Chomsky. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997. Introduction and notes. $15.95 (paper), ISBN 0-252- 06616-2.
Manufacturing Consent, co-written by Noam Chomsky, was dedicated to Alex Carey. Chomsky describes Taking the Risk Out of Democracy as a "uniquely important book on the ideal of a corporate-managed democracy".Carey's book centres around the thesis that the three most important political developments in the twentieth century are:1.The extension of the franchise;2.The growth of corporations;3.The development and growth of corporate propaganda to counter the new political freedoms won by extended suffrage.

The Pan-Celtic Phrasebook, Y Lolfa Cyf 1998, by William Knox. 208pp. stg£5..95.ISBN 0 86243 4416.
As well as English and French this book includes words and important phrases for everyday situations in Welsh, Gaelic, Irish, and Breton. The author, who was born in Canada, and who speaks all four languages, says: "the book is aimed at people that have little or no knowledge of the Celtic languages, and hopefully it will spur them on to learn some of the languages properly".This handbook spreads the six languages across two pages at a time to allow for comparison

When Corporations Rule the World, by David Korten. Copublished 1995 in the US by Kumarian Press, Inc; and Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.378pp.US$19.95.ISBN 1-887208-01-1.
David Korten: "The basic outlines of what we must do to avoid self-destruction as a species have long seemed clear to many of us. Yet I came to sense that if survival holds no larger meaning for us, avoiding extinction is not a sufficient reason to draw us to the difficult changes we must make.To make a choice for life, we must be drawn by a compelling vision of new possibilities grounded in a sense of meaning." "This is a 'must-read' book a searing indictment of an unjust international economic order, not by a wild-eyed idealistic left-winger, but by a sober scion of the establishment with impeccable credentials.It left me devastated but also very hopeful.Something can be done to create a more just economic order." Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Soul-searching. Personal Stories of the Search for Meaning in Modern Ireland.Edited by Kieran McKeown and Hugh Arthurs.The Columba Press, 1997.170pp.ISBN 185607 203 7.
Twenty-seven people contribute to this book, reflecting the experiences of men and women from the different religious traditions in Ireland including those who no longer regard themselves as part of any religious tradition and how they have been shaped and influenced by what they have found within those traditions and beyond.
