Featured Artist Kieran A. Cashell In 1996, having completed two and a half years of a three-year contract in the
Conservation Laboratory, Trinity College Library, KC enrolled on a Master's degree
programme at the University of Limerick. In July 1997, having successfully graduated,
KC decided to complete his studies by furnishing a doctoral proposal to the Department
of Languages and Cultural Studies, U.L.. Toward this end he is currently writing
a thesis on German philosopher and art critic, Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). He is
due to complete this project in the year 2000. |
Tony Williams I'm 57 years old. I was born in St. Louis, Missouri. I now live in San Carlos, California which is just south of San Francisco. I have four lovely daughters: Natalie, Lisa, Christine and Cynthia. Three grandchildren: Brandon, age 10; Megan, age 3 and Mary Margeret, 18 months. I own and manage a twenty-five person machine and welding shop in Silicon Valley. I began writing poetry 8 years ago as a way to plumb and express a depth of feeling I had not otherwise been able to do. I've published four poetry chapbooks. This work is from my second book. It is the result of my experience in Ireland with David Whyte's tour to whom I owe a great debt. I love being out of doors, rain or shine, and am an avid mountain runner. For some ten years I have worked with stone, steel, bronze and aluminum to create contemporary sculpture. My twelve foot high aluminum tube sculpture "Imagine That!" won the 1991 Los Altos Arts Committee National Competition. The work remains on display in Los Altos. |