Bookshelf | ||||||
STONES OF ARAN, volume 2, LABYRINTH, by Tim Robinson. Published by The Lilliput
Press Ltd., Dublin 1995. 472 pages. ISBN1874675 50 3. Hardback. IR£20.00. The first volume, Pilgrimage, led the reader around the coastline, dazzled and enchanted by the complex interplay of rock and ocean. Labyrinth concludes this microscopic mission, opening up the interior and merging cosmic themes with the utterly personal. "Robinson's language is fastidiously and finely wrought. It draws the reader on, hypnotically, not merely into Aran's fantastic interface of rock and sea, but into a revelation of total environment" .Michael viney, The Irish Times. WISDOM OF THE CELTIC SAINTS, by Edward C. Sellner. Illustrations by Susan McLean-Keeney. Published by Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, 1993. 207 pages. ISBN0 87793 492 4 (pbk).$10.95. Faithfully presenting the lives and legecies of twenty Celtic saints of the sixth to ninth centuries, he reveals their wisdom in a way that can be understood and appreciated by contemporary readers. The stories recounted range from the well-known, like Patrick, Brendan, and Brigit, to those less likely to be familiar - Monesan, Samthan and Aidan. "The stories are delightful and Sellner's indtroduction is an elegant little masterpiece". Andrew Greely. |
IRELAND FOR ALL, by the Conference of Religious of Ireland. Published by and available from, the Justice Commission, Conference of Religious of Ireland, Milltown Park, Dublin 6. November 1995. ISBN 1 872335 29 2. Mainly the work of Sean Healy and Brigid Reynolds of the CORI Justice Office, this book gives their deepest analysis and most scrupilously researched proposals for a new paradigm. Topics include: Meaningful Work; Adequate Income; Appropriate Housing; Real Participation; Genuine Equality; A Review of Aspects of the Current Socio-Economic Situation with Recommendations for the 1996 Budget and Proposals for the Notaional Anti-Poverty Strategy. |
ALTERNATIVES TO GLOBAL CAPITALISM, Drawn from Biblical History Designed for Political Action, by Ulrich Duchrow. Published by International Books and Kairos Europa, 1995. Pb, 320 pages, $17.50, St£11.99, DM 24.80. Available from The AISLING Magazine for IR£10.00 (p&p IR£1.00). ISBN90 6224 976 0. Ulrich Duchrow explores the Bible for new inspiration for action and political strategies in the modern age, with fascinating results. "This is a key book. Its theme is of vital concern and interest to the whole church today". Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bethge, Editor of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's works. "Duchrow's analysis is the best introduction I know to the economy of neo-liberalism in the nineties. It makes me - and other beginners - understand ... why the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer ... what jobless growth means for an economy no more interested in people's work and living ... what the alternatives are that the Bible offers church folks and NGO's." Prof. Dr. Dorothee Sölle, Theologian. |
MUTANT MESSAGE DOWN UNDER, A Woman's Journey into Dreamtime Australia, by Marlo Morgan. Published by Thorsons, an imprint of Harper Collins, 1991, 1994. Pb. 190 pages. ISBN 1 85538 484 1. Mutant Message Down Under is the gripping fictional account of the spiritual odyssey of an American woman in Australia. Summoned by a remote tribe of nomadic Aboriginals to accompany them on a walkabout through the outback, she makes a four month long journey with the "Real People", as the tribe calls itself. The book was an underground bestseller in its self-published edition. "The story of a courages woman who walked with the Aboriginals and learned the wonderful secrets and wisdom of an old. old tribe." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. |