
Your magazine is one of the jewels in the crown of alternative media publications.
-John Papworth, Editor 'Fourth World Review'

As a volunteer with Amnesty I have just had the good fortune to discover your magazine, and I would like to applaud you for your work on an interesting, invigorating, intelligent publication.
-Christine, Ireland

Your wonderfully interesting, enlightening, soul-saving magazine.
- Johanna, Sweden.

Congratulations on your good work. Aisling is the best magazine I get! It is the only one I can't wait to open! And it is always read cover to cover. Those who pick it up here also find it of great interest and it leads to much good conversation. Thanks - and keep it up.

- Genevieve, Ireland.

I appreciate the very high quality of your magazine
- Sr Breda, Ireland

I love your magazine. Thank you
- June, Australia

I find your magazine always stimulating.

- David, United States

Ever since I discovered The AISLING Magazine eight and half years ago , I have been nourished, encouraged and challenged by it. I cannot thank you enough for the blessing it has been to me in so many ways.

- Madelaine Nerson

This magazine is a wonderful service to humanity
- Dawn - U.S.A.

I find in it many interesting challenging articles.
- Michael - Ireland

...the Aisling Magazine is wonderful accompaniment to my personal journey and quest for self-discovery - in the true and unpretentious sense.
- Sarah Roach

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